Mental Health Ministry

May 31, Bishop Dolan designated Blessed Sacrament as a parish with "The Well." This designation refers to John (4:5-42), where Jesus encounters the Samaritan Woman at the Well. Bishop John presented Father Kilian with a framed painting, Woman of the Well by Glenda Stevens, now on display in our Parish Office. CLICK HERE for pictures.

Bishop Dolan and the Diocese of Phoenix Office of Mental Health Ministry have selected 16 parishes thus far asking them to offer "The Well" on their campus. Father Kilian is researching a few locations here where we can offer this "place of encounter" for all who are experiencing challenges to gather, share, and strengthen their relationship with God. 

This recognition of our parish follows our April 6 Whole Hearted Facilitator Training event where we hosted 31 other parishes/organizations in collaboration with the Diocese of Phoenix Office of Mental Health Ministry and Catholic Charities. We thank God for His love and guidance with every step we take in this important area.

Contact Mary Ellen Brown in the Parish Office if you are interested in volunteering in this area. Our Mental Health Ministry will not be a substitute for professional care.

CLICK HERE for pictures from our Whole Hearted Facilitator Training Event

CLICK HERE for pictures from the Mass where Bishop Dolan designated Blessed Sacrament Scottsdale as a parish with “The Well.”