50th Jubilee Celebration

“Our Jubilee, our 50th year as a parish, provides us with the opportunity to renew our parish, to breathe new life back into and rebuild our community.”

Father Kilian McCaffrey

Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish was established in July of 1974. We have now marked the beginning of the Blessed Sacrament Parish 50th Jubilee! This milestone is a testament to the faith, dedication, and love of God that has flourished within our community over the past fifty years.

Join your parish family in celebrating 50 years together!

Pastor Installation Mass for Father Kilian McCaffrey with Bishop John Dolan and 50th Jubilee Family Reception 

Saturday, September 14 at 4:00pm

Join your faith family as we witness Bishop John’s official Installation Mass of our Pastor, Father Kilian McCaffrey. Immediately following the Mass, we will gather in the Social Hall for a 50th Jubilee Family Fun Reception and Ice Cream Social! Starting at 5:15PM, this family-focused event will celebrate Father Kilian’s Installation as well as our 50th Jubilee. We have asked Bishop Dolan to stay after Mass to say a few words and enjoy some ice cream with our parish families. This casual event will include activities for kids and teens, music, ice cream and hot dogs. The Teens and Young Adults have organized an opportunity for everyone, including Bishop Dolan, to decorate an original 50th Jubilee commemorative piece of art that will remain on display throughout the year.  

Contact: Mary Ellen Brown at mebrown@bscaz.org to help with the Mass or organize the 50th Jubilee Family Reception!

50th Jubilee Gala 

October 19, 2024 at 6:00pm following the 4:00pm Vigil with Bishop John Dolan

We thank Melissa Kapanicas for kindly stepping forward as our Volunteer Lead for our 50th Jubilee Gala October 19! More than 15 individuals have joined the Gala Committee to solicit auction donations, help with logistics and set up, and decorate the courtyard and Social Hall. Current plans for this fundraising Gala include a social hour in the courtyard with a silent auction, a plated dinner, and an inspiring program which will include a live auction featuring incredible trips and more!  All of these wonderful festivities will follow a beautiful Vigil Mass celebrated by Bishop John Dolan and Father Kilian McCaffrey and Father Samuel concelebrating. 



Contact: Melissa at kapanicasgroup@gmail.com to donate your auction items, volunteer, or lend your support to the 50th Golden Gala Team!

50th Jubilee Commemorative Book 

Coming Soon! This special memento will be available to every parish family in October!

Jim Ward graciously led this monumental effort with a small but mighty committee of three. Lara Vineyard and Amy English joined Jim contributing endless hours of their time sifting through parish, city and Diocese of Phoenix historical data, parishioner and clergy story submissions, and photos of every size, shape and condition. The team thoughtfully reviewed all contributions, eventually creating a beautiful parish historical record and lovely 50th Jubilee keepsake. The Book Committee Team was buoyed by the Archives Committee and the research they had painstakingly categorized over the last five years. Volunteers looked through old photo albums and records while dedicated collaborators, including parishioners, clergy, and priests past and present, shared their stories of fifty years of faith and fellowship. The 50th Jubilee Commemorative Book chronicles the early days of the mid 70s when the oasis of our church campus was established from the barren desert. As you turn the pages you are led to explore every detail of the years that followed as our parish grew in tandem with the tremendous growth of the surrounding City of Scottsdale.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” is the theme for this half-century review of our parish community and all who have prayed and served together here for the Greater Glory of God.

Contact: Jim Ward at Bsc_Prolife@cox.net to hear more about the creation of the 50th Jubilee Commemorative Book.

Help with the various 50th Jubilee activities this year!

Have your own ideas about how we should celebrate this important parish milestone? Share your ideas or volunteer for our 50th Jubilee by contacting Mary Ellen Brown at mebrown@bscaz.org. We look forward to involving everyone in this exciting 50th Jubilee year!