Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council’s mission is to assist in the development of goals and objectives for the future of the parish. The Council, a representative body of five members, addresses this mission by advising on matters of parish policy, planning, and other items at the request of the Pastor including long term planning and priorities which affect the parish.

As your Pastoral Council, we assist our Pastor in the following ways:

  • Develop goals and objectives for the parish

  • Implement a plan and develop progress reports

  • Develop parish policies that affect the parish community

  • Identify for discussion and remedy (if necessary) areas of concern and success that affect the parish community

  • Serve as a sounding board for decisions that affect the parish community

  • Develop education and formation opportunities

  • Responsibly safeguard the use of parish financial and physical assets, and human resources

  • Remain actively involved in the parish community to build a community of faith

  • Live as a witness in a life lived in faithfulness to the teachings of the Catholic Church

We are here to serve, so please reach out with any comments or suggestions at

Scott Bushey

Pastoral Council Member

Glenn Leier

Pastoral Council Member

Veronica Piotrowski

Pastoral Council Member

Lauri Cooney

Pastoral Council Member

Richard Johnston

Pastoral Council Member