The U of Faith

The U of Faith is an annual offering at Blessed Sacrament and consists of five, 5-week sessions offered on Monday evenings.

These sessions run the gamut of themes. Examples of topics that have been covered are:

  • Basics of the Catholic Faith (2 years, 10 5-week classes)
  • Catholicism in American History
  • Art and the Catholic Tradition
  • The Bible in a Year
  • The Development of Doctrine

2024-2025 Program: Covenantal Journey

In this year’s sessions we will be looking at Scripture through the lens of God’s covenants with us.

The U of Faith is a systematic program for adult formation in the Catholic Faith. Throughout the year there will be five, 5-week courses offered. This year’s sessions will reveal what the Scriptures tell us about God’s covenants with us and how we can grow in deeper relationship with Him through His promises.

Registration coming soon!