
The Sacrament of Baptism is the beginning of the Christian life and the journey of discipleship. It is the gateway to the Sacramental life of Christians. In Baptism a person’s life is united to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-11), and in this union any responsibility for sin, original or actual, is forgiven. Baptism frees us from sin and makes us members of the Church, able to engage and share in the proclamation of Christ for the world (see also CCC #1213 ff.).

Infant Baptism

When a family wishes to have an infant Baptized at Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church the following are the four steps necessary:

  1. Parents must request the Sacrament for their Children. It is the primary role of the parents to request the Sacrament of Baptism for their children. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, even nannies may have a desire to ensure that a child is Baptized, but it must be the parent who requests that a child receive this Sacrament.

    1. To make such a request, please call the Parish Director of Faith Formation who will establish an initial/introductory meeting. At this meeting the parents will complete the necessary forms about their family, and the child(ren) to receive the Sacrament.

  2. Take the Baptismal Preparation Class. This class is offered online (virtually) for parents and godparents. The class takes about 1.5 hours, and teaches about the meaning of Baptism, the role and importance of the family in faith development, and the basic beliefs of the Catholic faith. There is a worksheet that must be completed in order to satisfy the course requirement.
    Please Note: This class is primarily intended to offer the service for registered, active members of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Scottsdale. If you are not a registered and active member of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Scottsdale, AZ, and would like to take this class in order to satisfy Baptismal Requirements at another parish or in another diocese, effective July 1, 2024 there will be a $40.00 fee. This fee will include the ability to take the course, and receive a letter verifying your completion once you return the reflection guide. (Please note, using this option to take the course will NOT verify you as a registered, active parishioner; it will simply allow you to complete the course.)

  3. Have the godparents complete the required paperwork and return it no later than 2 weeks prior to the Baptism.

  4. Celebrate the Baptism. In our parish Baptisms are held on the first Sunday of each month at 8:30am or on the third Sunday of each month at 11:00am.

Adult Baptism

Individuals who are aged 7 & older are treated as adults in the Catholic Church and are required to take a different style of education in order to be Baptized. This process is called the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA), and is also known as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Adults aged 18+ Please call the Director of Faith Formation & Education if interested in pursuing Baptism, those 17 and under should have the parents call.


Godparent Verification

A godparent is to be a registered, active, member of a Catholic parish. Most parishes today have some type of form that requests the parish of registration to verify that the proposed godparent is a registered, practicing member of the parish. Parish registration is available at each parish. Activity is minimally defined by Mass attendance. Please be aware and mindful of this when requesting Godparent verification.