Emmaus Retreat

for Adults with Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities

Each year our parish offers the Emmaus Retreat for Adults with Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities.

This retreat normally takes place in early August in Prescott, AZ and his facilitated and directed by a team led by our staff of Faith Formation & Education.

2024 Retreat

August 2, 3, 4 at Emmanuel Pines Camp, Prescott, AZ

Ages 18+
Open to Participants from the Parishes of the Diocese of Phoenix

Participants not riding the Provided Transportation: $70.00
Participants who are riding the Provided Transportation: $85.00

Caregiver Fee - not riding the Provided Transportation: $100.00
Caregiver Fee - riding the Provided Transportation: $115.00

(Transportation will depart from Blessed Sacrament Parish, Scottsdale)
Emmanuel Pines Camp , Prescott, Az

Registration Deadline is July 22. Prospective participants must download the form, complete it, and either e-mail or send via US Mail. Please contact Larry Fraher at lfraher@bscaz.org or Isabella Rice at irice@bscaz.org for more information about this year's retreat.