The Great Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
by Fr. Kilian McCaffrey | 09/21/2023 | Pastor's LetterOf all the parables, this is my absolute favorite. I have been studying it for over 15 years, and I am still learning more about it. Why so? Because I’m still learning about the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. I also see it as the Parable of Hope. I was turned on to this parable by Stu Long while we were in Seminary. He told me the story of when he was working at Harbor View Hospital in Seattle. He was taking a course called Clinical Pastoral Education (or CPE), learning the ropes of hospital ministry.
Strangely, he was told not to use Scripture when meeting and praying with patients. This was a ‘rule’ that he gladly broke. One day, he met with a lady who had lived a very hard life and was in bad shape in the ICU. Stu spoke with her and told her about mercy and forgiveness. She felt that she was not worthy of being forgiven. He said to her:
“I want you to listen to something.” And so he read this beautiful parable.
“What do you think about that?” Stu asked.
“I’m going to have to think about that,” she replied, turning towards the window.
Stu believed that she had a moment of deep conversion….Yes, it is a strange parable. It also is a very timely parable, because we are now in the grape-harvest season: the landowner is God and the vineyard is the kingdom of God.
It is said that Jesus is Himself present in every parable. Where do we find Him in this story?
At the end of the day, when He was instructed: “Summon the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and ending with the first,” He was obedient. Anyone in their right mind would say “Listen, boss, I think you should pay the first first and the last last. Otherwise there’s going to be trouble here.” For me, Jesus Christ is the foreman, because He is obedient to the will of the landowner.
“You too go into my vineyard.” At this very moment in time, there is a big need for workers to go into the vineyard and get to work. There is a great harvest and God is telling us in strong signs and words that we have to roll our sleeves up and start seriously working for the Kingdom of God.
We Need Your Help With The Harvest
We have so many opportunities to help. At this time of the year we are getting into the business time for our parish and we have need of skilled, dedicated workers who are:
- Good and generous stewards and leaders for our Parish and Finance Councils Volunteers and evangelists, especially with our Legion of Mary,
- Knights of Columbus and St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Caring people who will volunteer to pray and help with our Adoration Chapel
- Youth Ministry helpers who know about technology and audiovisual systems
- Good Catechists and Religious Education helpers for our adults and children.
Join us at 6:30pm on Thu, Sep 28 in the Parish Hall for Father Stu Reborn. We will also have copies of the brand new book That Was Father Stu for purchase.
Fr. Kilian and all of our great Parish Staff