
Eucharistic Adorers!
We are in need of Eucharistic Adorers. Please CLICK HERE to sign up to sepnd some time with our Lord.
Upcoming Events

Diaper Drive
Please drop off any size of diapers to the table outside of the Parish Office anytime between Sat, Jan 11-Sun, Feb 16.

Theology Day. Find Out.
Ancient Christian Practices to Sustain Community by Barbara Sutton, Ph.D.
At Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish, 11300 North 64th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Blood Drive
The greatest gift you can give is the gift of life by donating blood on Sun, Feb 16 from 7:30am-11:30am in Social Hall East.

Pancake Breakfast
Join us for a Pancake breakfast on Sun, Feb 16 after all the morning masses.

Parish Office Closed
Parish Office will be Closed on Mon, Feb 17 in observanceof Preseident' Day.

Senior Friendship Group
Mondays, from 10:30am-1:30pm in the Social Hall West

Hope, Health, and Healing Workshop
Feeling stressed as you start the new year? Spend a few hours on Saturday afternoon with a Mental Health Ministry Team. This workshop will offer a practical approach to managing the stress of daily life with four 15-minute sessions