True Vine Sunday
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 04/25/2024 | Pastor's LetterJesus said: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.”
Thanks to our Deacons for preaching last weekend, Good Shepherd Sunday. We heard that in our Catholic faith we must be “all-in.”
The Fifth Sunday of Easter refers to the role of Jesus Christ in our lives in relation to the Church. The Gospel of John Chapter 15 tells of Jesus as the True Vine and is really and truly the day of Evangelization Awareness.
Fourth Sunday of Easter: The Good Shepherd: “The sheep follow the Good Shepherd because they recognize his voice.”
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 04/18/2024 | Pastor's LetterEvery Fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday and is one of the traditional days of Vocations awareness. This classic image of Jesus Christ as The Good Shepherd is the enduring and shows God’s care and love for all of us. Not surprisingly, no one wants to be called a sheep. 1t has some strange connotations. However, in the eyes of God, we are these most profoundly gentle and pastoral creatures. The idea of the good shepherd is as ancient as the Bible. Yet we see how little has changed over thousands of years: we still need good leadership in our world and in our Church. Indeed it was St. John the Baptist who pointed Jesus out as “the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the World.”
“Jesus Was Made Known To Them In The Breaking Of The Bread.”
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 04/11/2024 | Pastor's LetterWhy Did They Recognize Jesus Just Then?
I think it was because they saw His hands... That is, when they saw the marks of the nails on the hands of the Risen Lord. That was the final proof they needed. Last week, it was St. Thomas who He told “Bring your hand and put it INTO my side.” In other words: “Thomas, Touch My Heart.” Imagine how Thomas felt as he touched Jesus’ Sacred Heart, and the wound that lance made. Thomas’ heart must have burned with joy as he declared: “My Lord and My God.” This week, we recall how, then and now, our hearts burn within us as we wish the Lord to stay with us and as we reflect on how we can stay with the Lord in the prayerful intimacy of Eucharistic Adoration.
Divine Mercy
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 04/04/2024 | Pastor's LetterOn Divine Mercy Sunday of 2016, I was in prayer in the small chapel in Williams, AZ, very early in the morning, quietly preparing for Divine Mercy Sunday Masses.
It is such a special day in the Easter season. I wished to give the people something special. Praying at the tabernacle, I asked Jesus: “Could You help me out a little here, Lord? I’d like to have something different to tell the people today, Divine Mercy Sunday. Please, Lord, could you let a thought, a word, a scrap fall from your table for me to meditate on?” I immediately heard an inner voice say to me:
“Just Read The Words....”