Easter Sunday Hallelujah!!
by Fr. Kilian McCaffrey | 03/28/2024 | Pastor's LetterWe Are Also Coming Back To Life.
We are God’s people, the people of life, through Jesus coming back to Life. Easter is the Feast of Life: It is the Victory of Life, the Pro-Life Day.
As the late, famous Italian catechist and author Sofia Cavalletti most profoundly wrote back in 1993:
“The Christian faith is an obstinate faith; each time confronted by death, it proclaims that death does not have the last word. And this is what we believe, what we affirm, and what we want to announce to the world, because we know that there has already been a first, great victory of life over death in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
It takes faith to believe in the Resurrection. The disciples had to experience the dark night of the soul after Good Friday. Along with the trauma of Jesus' violent death, they suffered because of the silence of so many unknown elements. What would happen now?
It takes a living faith and a bold hope to even begin to believe in the new creation in Jesus.
We Believe in the Resurrection of the Dead.
Jesus’ Resurrection Changed the World.
Sin and death were defeated when Jesus Christ accepted death; pain and suffering were conquered when Christ freely chose to suffer; sin was destroyed when Christ bore it on his shoulders. This is all true, even though death, suffering and sin still continue by our side. But they are no longer unable to be overcome and conquer the force of life and faith. The resurrected Jesus appears to Peter, to Mary Magdalene, and a week later, to Thom-as, because they were doubting. They were more dead than alive. And he appears to the disciples in Emmaus because they had already lost hope. To all of us, He brings new reasons to live.
From Frank Pavone, Priests For Life:
With the disciples, “on this day of days, on this feast of feasts, we rejoice in the victory of life! This victory is not just a hope; it is a fact. God, in Christ, has destroyed the power of death! In all its forms -- including abortion -- death never has the final word! This is why we are pro-life, and the victory of this day is the starting point and foundation of the pro-life movement. The gift of life, placed in our hands today, is what we proclaim, celebrate, and serve. We announce and apply this victory to every segment of our society. We say to our culture, in effect, “Hurry up! God has accomplished His work, and we must run to share in its fruit! God's design for life is unfolding in a definitive way, and this is our chance to catch hold of it and we too participate in it!”
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Fr. Kilian, Fr. Joe, our Deacons and great Parish Staff, Disciples and Volunteers