Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
by Fr. Kilian McCaffrey | 03/21/2024 | Pastor's LetterToday on Palm Sunday Jesus enters into the Holy City of Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt. The people wave branches as He enters the city, and they proclaim, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!”
Today’s Gospel of Mark gives a panoramic view of the Sacred Easter Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday & the Easter Vigil. On Holy Thursday we celebrate The Mass of the Lord’s Supper in the evening of the Thursday in Holy Week, as the Church begins the sacred Easter Triduum and devotes herself to the remembrance of the Jesus’ Last Supper. On the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus, loving those who were his own in the world even to the end, offered his Body and Blood to the Father under the appearance of bread and wine, gave them to the apostles to eat and drink, then enjoined the apostles and their successors in the priesthood to offer them in turn.
This Mass is, first of all, the memorial of the institution of the Eucharist, that is, of the Memorial of the Lord's Passover, by which under sacramental signs Jesus perpetuated among us the sacrifice of the New Law.
The Mass of the Lord's Supper is also the memorial of the institution of the priesthood, by which Christ's mission and sacrifice are perpetuated in the world.
This Mass is the memorial of that love by which the Lord loved us even unto death. At the end of Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Blessed Sacrament is transferred to the place of reposition located in the Parish Plaza.
The Altar is left bare and Tabernacle empty.
On Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, we solemnly commemorate the great event of Jesus’ Passion: His Trial, His Crucifixion and Death on the Cross, and His burial. Good Friday is a special day of fast and abstinence and is commemorated starting at:
At 12:00pm, with the Stations of the Cross, traditionally prayed on Fridays during Lent and, of course, on Good Friday.
At 3:00pm, The Last Seven Words of Christ followed by the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. No celebration of the Mass on Good Friday.
At 6:00pm, we will celebrate the Good Friday Service includes the reading of The Passion according to St. John, The Veneration of the Cross and Communion of the Body of Christ, the Hosts consecrated on Holy Thursday.
On Holy Saturday the Easter Vigil Mass is at 7:00pm, The new liturgical day begins at sunset, so the vigil begins at sunset on Holy Saturday outside the Church, where an Easter fire is kindled and the new Paschal candle is blessed and then lit. This Paschal candle will be used throughout the season of Easter, remains in the sanctuary of the church and throughout the coming year at baptisms and funerals, reminding all that Christ is our life and light. The glory and joy of God’s Loving triumph is sung in the great Easter Proclamation, called the Exsultet: After the conclusion of the Liturgy of the Word, the water of the baptismal font is solemnly blessed and then our catechumens are baptized and along with our candidates for full communion are initiated into the church.
Masses on Easter Sunday are:
6:00am, the Sunrise Mass which will be outside in the Plaza (dress warmly); and then at 8:30 and 10:30am.
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!
Fr. Kilian, Fr. Joe, our Deacons and our Parish Staff, Disciples and Volunteers.