Father Kilian presided, and Father Williams and Father Spina concelebrated a beautiful Healing Mass September 9, 2023. A first-class relic of the Holy Family was present and songs, prayers, and scripture readings reflected on Christ's healing power. It was a Spirit-filled Mass and all attending had the opportunity to experience the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as we prayed for healing of mind, body, and soul. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick was available as well as a blessing of caretaker's hands. Prayer Teams met with individuals privately after Mass for additional prayers. Father Kilian reminded all attending that the healing that they seek for themselves or others may occur over a period of time and in a way that is different from what they had asked/expected.

This Mass will be celebrated periodically throughout the year for all to experience the healing power of Christ at Blessed Sacrament.