The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph (JMJ)
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 12/26/2024 | Pastor's LetterIn the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus was about “my Father’s business” yet he humbly and obediently went back home with them to their family home in Nazareth.
“They worshiped as a family and with their faith community. And they did so faithfully. We can take their example to heart by making Sunday Mass attendance a priority for our families, by making prayer with our family a priority every day, by making sure that we regularly celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation, and by observing in our family life the great feasts. When we, as families, prioritize our Time with God and worship of Him we will be imitating the Holy Family” (catholicsteward.com/holyfamily).
“The Family That Prays Together Stays Together” (Fr. Patrick Peyton). A New Year Eucharistic Meditation: 20 years ago, I first heard of Apparitions of Mary our Mother, in Vicksburg, MS. The icon of Claude Newman in our Church recalls the events in late-1943 in a prison block. Claude referred to Mary as ‘The Lady’ and, referring to The Blessed Sacrament, he related how:
“The Lady told me that in Communion, I'll see what looks like a piece of bread but she told me that it's really and truly her Son, and that He'll be with me just as He was with the Lady before He was born in Bethlehem. She told me that I should spend my time like she did during her lifetime with Him―in loving Him, adoring Him, thanking Him, praising Him and asking Him for blessings”
(Claude Newman Conversion Story).
“O Come, Let Us Adore Him.”
Mary Adored, Meditated and Prayed in Her Heart. Mary prayerfully reflected on everything that had taken place from the Annunciation until the time Jesus left home in Nazareth for His Mission.
Never grow tired of prayer and adoration.
New Year’s Day is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. It Is A Holy Day of Obligation. New Year’s Eve Mass: Tuesday at 6PM Extra New Year’s Day Mass at 12PM Mark Your 2025 Calendars: We have a great teacher coming to us. Coming Once Again, In January 2025: Prayer & Life Workshops with Chayito Hernandez Beginning 6:30PM Thursday, January 16th
Thank You For Your Generosity
Many have already made many preparations and we look forward to focusing on the our upgrading of the structures of our parish.
Creative ways to support Blessed Sacrament:
- If you would like to make a special New Year Gift to Blessed Sacrament Church; or
- If you have a Living Trust or Will; or
- If you have a retirement plan requiring a minimum distribution; or if your employer has a Company Match or simply
Contact the Parish Office for information.
Holy Family JMJ Blessings for you for The Jubilee New Year of 2025
Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and our Parish Staff and Volunteers