The Second Sunday in Advent

by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey  |  12/05/2024  |  Pastor's Letter

We continue our yearly Advent Pilgrimage to Bethlehem today.

On our journey of hope, we meet John the Baptist and he tells us how to really celebrate to the fullest this first “coming” on the feast of Christmas and how to prepare for the second coming: through sincere repentance.

A voice of one crying out in the desert: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.

This Advent, make the decision to seriously plan to turn away from any bad habits or sins that have crept in to your life

Turn your heart and mind back to Christ.

This is what living the Way of Life is about: moving closer ever closer in relationship with Christ and imitation of Him, ready to celebrate His birth, with eyes fixed on eternal life with Him.

Remember, Jesus said that perfect Love casts out all fear. He comes to bring peace to our hearts and peace to our homes.

God tells us: “Fear not, I am with you.”

Jesus has chosen you to belong to Him, that you become not only “another Christ”, but actually Christ Himself. It is only in this way that you and your loved ones and neighbors will know peace this Advent and Christmas.

O Come, Let Us Adore Him Sign Up For Adoration at the Parish Office

Mark Your Calendar
Immaculate Conception
Monday, December 9th - A Holy Day of Obligation
Morning Masses: 7 & 8:30AM; Afternoon Masses: 12 Noon & 6PM

Our Lady of Guadalupe Special Bilingual Mass 6PM, Thursday, December 12th

Advent Mission with Julie Carrick: Grateful Expectation Monday, December 16th

Make a Gift to Your Parish This Christmas: Many have already made many preparations and we look forward to focusing on the our upgrading of the structures of our parish with your continued financial benevolence.

  • If you have a retirement plan requiring a minimum distribution;
  • If your employer has a Company Match;
  • If you would like to make a special gift to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church; or
  • If you would like to donate appreciated stock,
    please contact Finance Council Kathy Bradley or the Parish Office for further information.

Get ready Christian stewards! He’s coming! Let us prepare with awe and wonder.

Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and our Parish Staff and Volunteers.