Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey  |  11/14/2024  |  Pastor's Letter

“The Son of Man coming in the clouds' with great power and glory” (Mk 13:26).

Today we are in the second-to-last Sunday in Ordinary Time for this Liturgical Year B, when we have studied St. Mark’s Gospel.

In these darker days, we are with Jesus on the Mount of Olives and we are overlooking the City of Jerusalem just before that great Feast of the Passover. Jesus tells us of the “End Times” where there will be tribulation and the powers in the heavens be shaken.

Why Does Jesus Tell Us Of These Things? We do not belong to the world, but to the Kingdom of God. Jesus tells us not to fear, to place our love and trust only in Him. He said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Mk 13:26).

Be serious about growing in holiness. It is a call that comes from God Himself. We do not know when the End will come: when only the Father knows.

SPECIAL HEALING MASS: 6PM, Tuesday, November 26th As part of our Perpetual Miraculous Medal Novena Celebrations, we will celebrate the Feasts of The Miraculous Medal and of St. Catherine Labouré

Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and our Parish Staff and Volunteers.

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish 50th Jubilee Golden Gala

“You Are My Inheritance, O Lord!”
The 50th Jubilee Golden Gala Committee
recently held a Gala Follow-up Meeting. Thanks to the truly blessed, joyful generosity of so many parishioners, they reported a net income after expenses of $90,000!

These funds were raised especially for the improvements and upgrades to the Parish Social Hall, which the recent Parish Engagement Study revealed to be a parishioner priority.

The Finance Council has asked me to suggest a Year End Gifting & Tithing Match from our generous parishioners so that many upgrades and beautification projects can continue.

When you consider year end giving, please prayerfully consider directing it to the 50th Jubilee Golden Gala; of course, any amount will be most gratefully appreciated. Many have already given much and we look forward to focusing on the buildings of our parish with your continued financial benevolence.

  • If you have a retirement plan requiring a minimum distribution;
  • If your employer has a Company Match;
  • If you would like to make a special gift to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church; or
  • If you would like to donate appreciated stock or know of other new or creative ways to financially contribute,

please contact Finance Council President Kathy Bradley for further information.

This Is The Time of Giving Thanks and the Time of Thanksgiving.