The First Sunday in Advent
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 11/28/2024 | Pastor's LetterWe begin our Advent Pilgrimage to the City of Bethlehem today.
It is a joyful, yet a serious time of the year. There is nothing quite like Christmas and so there is also nothing quite like Advent, the preparation time. It is the perfect opportunity to start over in our spiritual life. Yes, it is the hour to be vigilant and prepare well.
We begin in Arizona, but we turn our minds to the Holy City of Bethlehem. All of the world is now preparing for the 2025th year in Jesus’ Name. All over the world this day people are turning their minds to the House of Bread, which is what Bethlehem literally means.
Imagine the preparations that Joseph and Mary had to make for the very long journey down to Bethlehem. They had made this trip before, but this year was very, very different.
Mary was expecting this most precious gift of God, the son that the Angel told her (and also Joseph) “to name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
And the Romans were taking a huge census! They would need extra food and clothing, lodging along the way, money for the Temple and for emergencies and such.
But the Angel also said: “Do not be afraid.” There are so many things and so much work to do, thank God we have enough time to change our lives in Advent.
Remember: Our Christmas Market Is Next Weekend
What Will Your Journey Be Like This Advent Season?
Set aside some more time for Christ to be the King of your life. Don’t get lost in the busy-ness of the world.
“It is to lose focus on our Lord either by too much indulgence in our lives or by too much worry about our lives. Both traps are easy to fall in to. To avoid them, we are told to “be vigilant” and “pray for strength to sustain us. During Advent, as Christian stewards must ask ourselves some big questions. Am I staying faithful to my prayer life? Am I using my energy and skills to serve others? Am I overly concerned about material gain? Am I relying on my “stuff” or my investments as my source of comfort or security?” (Catholic Steward).
Ultimately, am I living for the now or for the coming of the Lord? Attend Daily Mass This Advent.
Remember Your Parish This Advent:
Many have already made many preparations and we look forward to focusing on the our upgrading of the structures of our parish with your continued financial benevolence.
- If you have a retirement plan requiring a minimum distribution;
- If your employer has a Company Match;
- If you would like to make a special gift to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church; or
- If you would like to donate appreciated stock or other creative ways to give or tithe, please contact Finance Council Kathy Bradley for further information.
Get ready Christian stewards! Jesus is coming!
Prepare with wonder and joy and charity.
Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and our Parish Staff and Volunteers.