What Must We Do To Inherit Eternal Life?
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 10/10/2024 | Pastor's LetterIt is very obvious that Our Lord speaks to the two big issues in our state and country today.
One of our moral theology professors in seminary, Fr. Jerome Young, a Benedictine monk, once quite startlingly and honestly told us that in our world today, the 10 Commandments have been basically reduced, boiled down to two commandments. It is a sobering reality:
1. Matters of life and death and
2. Matters of sexual morality.
It took place slowly, mainly in the last century. It is very easy to see the link between the two.
When sexual morality breaks down, there are consequences. With the weakening of one commandment, the others will inevitably weaken.
Most people are against abortion, but many would make a few exceptions, such as cases of rape. Let's consider this case just for a moment.
We all agree that rape is a terrible injustice to the woman, and that she deserves our concern and care. Women deserve protection of society from this crime, and the assistance of society to find healing if the terrible crime of rape should happen. I strongly advise you not to fall for the propaganda in the media.
The truth is that even in these cases abortion is wrong, because abortion kills a baby.
We Have To Be Rich In Wisdom
I have boiled it down to a simple, wise proverb:
We Have to Put God First In Our lives!
If we don't make the big decision to put God first, then will inevitably put God last….
Choosing God Means Choosing Life
We have to be strong and clear on this issue. We have to choose God and choose life. Then everything will fall perfectly into place. Life has certainly become cheap, because of the hardening of hearts. But there are 10 Commandments, not two. As our Second Reading states, “everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him.” Jesus knows exactly what we struggle with, and He gives us countless opportunities in life to choose Him, to overcome our attachments, and surrender. Our First Reading from the Book of Wisdom reminds us that through prayer, we will gain the virtues to persevere through this life —
“I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me.”
It begins with prayer: if we ask God, we shall receive. And if we remain close to Jesus, He will show us the way. It is also through opportunity. God will richly reward us with Eternal Life for putting God first.
We look forward to our Jubilee Gala next Saturday with Bishop Dolan.
Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and our Parish Staff and Volunteers.