Loving God With All Your Heart
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 10/31/2024 | Pastor's LetterYou shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31).
November is the great Month of Thanksgiving and the month of Giving. It is the perfect time to reconsider these two of Jesus’ “greatest commandments” - love of God and neighbor. They relate to three major aspects of the heart of every serious Christian steward’s life, day in, day out. The practice of using time, talent, and treasure is called stewardship, which is a way to live a life centered on Christ. The goal is to use these gifts to bring glory to God and to proclaim the name of Jesus.
These are days of great civic responsibility. The use of our time refers primarily to our personal relationship with the God. This means our prayer life. It is vital to make time to pray, to talk to God, asking for guidance. Please pray for knowledge, prudence, and, above all, wisdom and understanding throughout these days.
November is also the Month of The Holy Souls and the Miraculous Medal. All Souls’ Day Special Evening Memorial Mass 6PM, Monday, November 4th.
Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and our Parish Staff and Volunteers.
As the Catholic Bishops of Arizona, we want to express our strong opposition to Proposition 139.
passed, this initiative threatens to enshrine a constitutional right to virtually unrestricted abortion in Arizona.
What makes a constitutional amendment especially grave is that our own Arizona legislators could lose the ability to regulate abortion in any meaningful way, leaving us with the potential for what would likely become nearly unrestricted abortion.
Arizona law currently allows for abortions up until 15 weeks of pregnancy. Proposition 139, however, would go far beyond even this current law.
The proposed amendment, among other things, would likely remove most safeguards for girls and women that are currently in place at abortion clinics, permit a minor to obtain an abortion without parental involvement or permission, and allow for painful late-term abortions of viable pre-born children.
While this ballot measure claims to be moderate in nature, its vague language would make Arizona one of the most extreme states in terms of abortion. We believe that even many of those who support abortion in limited instances would find this proposed constitutional amendment extreme and misleading.
Arizonans deserve better than the measures being proposed in this initiative, which is why we strongly oppose Proposition 139.
Most Rev. John P. Dolan
Bishop of Phoenix
Most Rev. Eduardo Nevares
Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix
Most Rev. Edward J. Weisenburger
Most Rev. James S. Wall