“Ephphatha!” -- that is, “Be opened!”
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 09/05/2024 | Pastor's LetterThese are the only words Jesus says to us today. We have to pay special attention. What Jesus says is important. But he does other things as well. Let’s role play a little with this story. Imagine if someone came up to you, face to face, then poked their fingers in your ears and put spit on your tongue and groaned up to Heaven and said: “Be opened.”
What would that be like?
Miraculously Hearing for the first time. Be opened….
Speaking for the first time.
We have to be open to so much. We have to be open to learning. We must learn about the big issues going on today, we must speak the truth.
God is speaking to us through these readings. Be open.
Never close your heart and soul to God.
Jesus can work miracles in your life if you are open to Him.
“So when we were baptized, what Christ did to that deaf mute happened to us in a spiritual way, and Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled in us.
When we were baptized, Christ spiritually put his fingers into our ears and touched our tongue with his spittle. Through faith in Christ, our life is raised to a new level. In heaven, we shall see God face to face but now we get a foretaste of the beatific vision. In this life we have crosses, but Christ has raised our life to a new level. Because of our faith in Christ nothing is ever again the same. We hear everything through the open ears of faith and say everything through open mouth of witnessing Christ.” (Fr. Thomas Lane)
Be open to the love of God working in you.
“He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
Yes, God will groan at the world if we are closed and hard-hearted.
Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and our Parish Staff and Volunteers.