21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey | 08/22/2024 | Pastor's LetterWe conclude the Bread of Life Discourse. “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” Strong, powerful, truthful words.
Jesus is teaching about himself and about the sacrificial death He is to endure. He is teaching about the Holy Eucharist, the sacrament of the sacrifice of the cross is made present on the altars of the church until He returns.
What is the reaction of the disciples of Jesus to his clear and bold words? How do they respond to his teaching? The conclusion to John, chapter 6 tells us that they were shocked and offended and they murmured against him.
“Many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.”
His teaching was simply too much for them, and they left him.
It’s fascinating to notice Jesus reaction when he sees some of His closest followers leaving.
He does not change his message in any way in order to win them back. He does not soften His teaching to be more popular with the crowds. He stands firm in his teaching on the bread of life, in spite of its consequences. He speaks the truth, unwavering, and steadfast.
Contrast this with what would happen today if a person running for public office were to say some things that would cause his supporters to start complaining. Imagine what would happen if a politician were to see his supporters starting to leave. However, look at his Twelve closest disciples. He asks them directly.
“Are you going to leave too?” St. Peter speaks for all of us: v “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
The context is vital to understanding these words. This is how much God loves us: Unto Death. We have to boldly stand up for Jesus. We have to boldly stand up for life.
It is not an option. I have worked too many healing retreats and seen the devastating effects of abortion and the culture of death.
We have to change. If we are not right with God, if we are not truly in communion with God, if we are not following His commands and laws, we will never understand these words of life. and really need conciliation, healing and deeper understanding and the true meaning of Communion. It is a clear choice to serve the Lord or serve the world.
This is what the Church needs now. That is what our country needs now. This is what the world has always needed and will always need. The Church Needs YOU.
Our Labor Day Barbeque & Pot Luck 4:00pm on Monday, September 2, in the Parish Hall.
Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and our Parish Staff and Volunteers.