Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey  |  06/27/2024  |  Pastor's Letter

“Little Girl, I Say To You, Arise!”

Coming Back To Life: Christ the Healer

It should come as no big surprise that Jesus raising the little daughter of Jairus from death is an absolutely astonishing Gospel passage.

Back then, people died and they were buried, that was it. There was no belief in raising up of the dead. Elijah and Elisha, the great prophets, were said to have raised people from the dead in three instances, but that was a the best part of a thousand years ago!

But there is more to this long Gospel reading than meets the eye. There are many levels to read and study this story. We see Jesus as both fully Divine and fully human in one of St. Mark’s (and therefore also St. Peter’s) most incredible Gospel passages.

Let me explain the Hypostatic Union further:
1. It is Christ the Divine Healer who raises up Jairus’ little daughter who has authority over death and suffering.
2. It is Christ the Man who felt “power had gone out from him” when the sick woman touched his cloak and who gives us the hope that comes from our faith in Christ that we also will also raised up.

As Dr. Scott Hahn says: “God, who formed us in His imperishable image, did not intend for us to die, we hear in today’s First Reading.

“Death entered the world through the devil’s envy and Adam and Eve’s sin; as a result, we are all bound to die.” However, through our faith, we believe in the resurrection of the dead.

“Notice also the importance of the number twelve as we read and pray with this scripture.”

This Week We Very Warmly Welcome Fr. Samuel Aliba To Blessed Sacrament Parish

Sunday Is A “Little Easter” Each Week, the principal day for the celebration of the Eucharist. It is the central day for the celebration of His death and Resurrection.”

We are called to be 21st Century saints and evangelists, carrying on this great mission.

We Will Raise Each Other Up
We will bring people back to life.
We will bring people back to Jesus.
We will bring people back to faith.

Wishing You All A Very Happy Independence Day.

The Parish Office will be Closed on Thursday and Friday in observance of the holiday.

Remember This Friday and Saturday are the First of the Month of July.

Fr. Kilian, Fr. Samuel, our Deacons and Seminarian and all of our Parish Staff and great Disciples and Volunteers.