The Solemnity of the Ascension of The Lord

by Rev. Kilian McCaffrey  |  05/09/2024  |  Pastor's Letter

We celebrate today the Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension. After Jesus resurrected from the dead, He appeared to the disciples in His glorified body with His precious wounds in His hands, feet and side. Jesus proved that He was not a ghost by having them put their hands into the nail marks and into the wound in His side and He ate in their presence. As the Apostles Creed says:
“He ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead...”

“The glorious wounds of the glorious body of Jesus are fresh in the memory of His eleven apostles. They see him rise to the Heavens and are filled with awe as He now goes to prepare a place for them and for us.

We are also called to the same Heavenly destiny where we too will one day live in resurrected, heavenly bodies. Our bodies, whether earthly or heavenly, are essential to our humanity. They express and complete who we are, that is, children made in the image and likeness of God: made for total and beautiful self-donation.

Let us pray for the abiding desire to honor and respect the sacredness of the body in all circumstances and for those who are married to do nothing to frustrate their total self-donation to each other of both body & soul.”

From The Miracle of Love Rosary by Kitty Cleveland

Serving Is Our Highest Calling

‘My friend, move up to a higher position’ (Luke 14:10).

Just as Jesus ascended into Heaven, we are called higher by today’s great Solemnity of the Ascension.

Serving at Mass as a lector or reader, as an usher or an altar server allows us to humbly claim our place at the Sunday Wedding Feast of Heaven. Jesus wants you to be closer to Him because He loves you so much.

He calls us to use the many gifts he gives us to make a difference in the world, to make His Church a better place. Reflect on these gifts you have received and think about the purpose for which He wants us to use them.

Through answering His call to serve, watch how we begin to grow more and more holy, like Christ - with a genuineness of heart that is deeply motivated by our love for God and to others and played out by service.

I want you to prayerfully consider how you should respond to His call to serve.

Ask the Holy Spirit in this time leading up to Pentecost to open your heart to our Parish and community and in service of others.

While acting in service and charity for the common good, may we find peace and bear witness to the many other fruits, knowing that our actions will not only bring glory to Him, but actively express our gratitude for all He has blessed us with.

Ascend To A Higher Place at Mass: The first big step to grow in living your faith is showing up, which is half the battle. The second step is by getting involved. Next Sunday Is Pentecost. Wear Something RED!

Fr. Kilian, our Deacons and our great Parish Staff, Disciples and Volunteers.